Prevention is better than cure

Our penicillin program helps young people with rheumatic heart disease to stay healthy

Skills training to improve heart health

From one of Timor-Leste’s cardiologists to village health workers, we are supporting skills to improve heart health

Screening for heart health

We support cardiologists at Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares to screen patients for heart conditions

We believe that good health should be a universal right.

Untreated heart disease is one of the biggest health challenges in Timor-Leste. That’s why we’re partnering with the Ministry of Health and heart health professionals in Timor-Leste to build local capacity and skills to diagnose and treat patients.

Every donation helps us to mend broken hearts and tackle the root causes of poor heart health in Timor-Leste

Help us do more

1. Fundraise for us

We always achieve more together. Maximise your impact and help us spread the word by organising a fundraising event for your friends and family.

2. Volunteer with us

There are so many ways to become a part of the Timor-Leste Hearts Fund Family and each one of our supporters gets us closer to achieving our vision of a healthy Timor-Leste.

3. Leave a lasting legacy

By including a gift in your will, you can leave a lasting legacy to ensure better heart health for people in Timor-Leste.

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