What we do

Untreated heart disease is one of the biggest health challenges facing our neighbours in Timor-Leste.

With no access to local cardiac care, young people face disability and premature death from preventable, treatable heart disease. Many live their entire lives not knowing how it feels to breathe without pain, as their health deteriorates due to heart conditions which can be readily treated in developed countries.

At Timor-Leste Hearts Fund we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy good heart health.

We’re working with the government and health providers in Timor-Leste to help make that happen. As well as immediate help for the most critical cases, we are tackling the root causes of poor heart health in Timor-Leste with research and advocacy and education and prevention projects.

Timor-Leste Hearts Fund is Australia’s only medical NGO dedicated to providing life-saving heart surgery for young people from Timor-Leste (East Timor), as well as heart-health education, prevention and research projects.

Check out our video to find out more about what we do and why we think it is so important!

Mending broken hearts

We provide life-saving surgery for those who need it most

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Preventative health

Rheumatic heart disease is not only treatable, but preventable

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Skills training to improve heart health

We parter with the Timor-Leste Ministry of Health, building local skills to improve heart health

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“ Timor-Leste Hearts Fund’s work is immeasurably important.”

His Excellency General, the Hon Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

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